Grandpa Paul sent this adorable fish and sea friends fabric for Olivia's quilt. Grandpa Paul loves the beach, and spends almost every weekend at the NJ shore. Grandpa Paul's wish for Olivia is:
I wish you calmed waves, gentle warm breezes, bright sun shine and soft clean beaches throughout your life. Only beauty and happiness for a loved little girl.
Many familes adopting from China and Taiwan create a Bai Jia Bei or Good Wishes Quilt for their children. This tradition originated in mainland China, and involves asking family and friends for a piece of fabric, and a wish for the baby. The piece of fabric is used to make the quilt, and the wish goes into a memory book. The quilt contains the luck, energy and good wishes from all who contribute a piece of fabric, and it is then passed down from generation to generation.
We have asked our friends and family to send us a piece of fabric 12 inches by 12 inches, along with a wish for Olivia. If you would like to contribute a square and a wish to Olivia's Bai Jia Bei, please send me an email, or leave me a comment.
Thank you so much for joining in and helping to make a wonderful keepsake for our daughter with pieces of each of you in it!
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