Friday, August 24, 2007

OK Seriously...

How much do I suck? So I get way behind on posting squares, then I make this bold promise to catch up...and what do I do...NOTHING!!!

This reminds me of a story from when Pauly and I lived in Wilmington, DE. We used to grocery shop in the Shop Rite. This one time, as we are standing in line waiting to check out, we see one of those HUGE signs that hangs on the front windows of grocery stores....and it says "We guarnatee baggers on every line, every time". Well, that would be just lovely if there was a bagger in MY line or ANY line. And so Pauly and I are like...OK we don't care that their isn't a bagger on our line, or ANY line for that matter when you don't GUARANTEE it. We never would have even noticed that there weren't baggers if you hadn't GUARANTEED it. Seriously...don't GUARANTEE something, write it in huge 12 inch font and them NOT do it.

(well, other than the 12 inch font, this is pretty much what I did on my last post :-))

In fairness its not like I am sitting around doing nothing and intentionally NOT posting squares. I have all the pictures taken...I just need to sit down and commit like 45 minutes to getting this thing done! I will do my best to do it this weekend...notice I am not GUARANTEEing it.

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