Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Can't Believe It

Today marks 1 year since we were put on the wait list for Taiwan!

When we were put on that list, we were told the wait would be 4-6 months for a referral...and it ended up being 10 months.

I can remember how hard those 10 months were to wait, and sometimes I didn't think I could mentally handle it for one more day (add to that the 18 months we already had waited for China)...but now that we know who Olivia Hsin-Hua feels like those 10 months FLEW!!! I can't believe it was really a year ago that we were put on the list. WOW!

Hoping we get updates by next week (fingers crossed for some smiles) and maybe our First Ruling!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I don't even know if anyone checks this blog anymore...but the quilts are done. We got them this weekend and displayed them at my shower!!!

They are beautiful.
Please go to our main blog to see pictures from the shower, including pics of the quilts and the books of wishes.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


All the squares for our quilt are cut and ready to go. I spoke with Alice last night, and she plans to begin sewing any day now.

I can't wait to see the finished product!!!

Hopefully it won't be long now until we can pick it up...and hopefull Olivia Hsin-Hua Lin won't be far behind.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Quilt Update!!!

We have pretty much finished collecting quilt squares for Olivia's quilt (if you still want in, you have about 2 weeks before the sewing actually commences). The final number is around 160 squares. I have to re-count to be sure...but that should be really close.

This past Sunday I met with a lovely woman named Alice. She and her quilting guild friends have offered to make the quilts for Olivia.

You may be wondering why I said "quilts" rather than "quilt"...well we have decided to have two identical quilts made. One for Olivia to use, and the other for her to save.

Each square will be cut in half, diagonally to make two triagles. One triangle will go into each quilt.

All we have to do now is pick out the backing material, drop off all the fabric and Alice will get started.

This also means I need to get moving on the book that will house the small piece of fabric and the wish. Hopefully work will begin on that this weekend.

Thank you again to all our friends, family, and internet friends who have contributed to Olivia's quilt. I know it is going to be beautiful and something she cherishes for her whole life!!!

We are blessed to have each and every one of you in our lives.

Paul and Heather

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Square # 142 - The Press Family March/April LID Group

We wish for you a lifetime of loyal and loving friends!

Square # 141 - The Fairchild's March/April LID Group

May each day bring blessings of peace, love and joy.

Square # 140 - Gail & Tony

We hope your journey is blessed with a million smiles along the way.